Modal Auxialaries and Similar expressions
Sebelu membahas tentang apa dan bagaimana saja yang bentuk Modal Auxialaries and Similar Expressions, ada baiknya kita berkenalan dahulu dengan mereka. Modal Auxialaries and Similar Expressions adalah kata bantu yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1. May. Uses for:
-polite request, e.g: may i borrow your pen?
-formal permission, e.g: you may leave the room.
-less than 50% certainty, e.g: John may be at the library.
2. Might. Uses for:
-less than 50% certainty, e.g: John might be at the library.
-polite request, e.g: might I borrow your book?
3. Should. Uses for:
-advisability, e.g: I should study tonight.
-90% certainty, e.g: she should do well on the test. (Future only, not present)
4. Ought to, uses for:
- advisability, e.g: I ought to study tonight.
- 90% certainty, e.g: she ought to do well on the test. (Future only, not present)
5. Had better, uses for:
-advisability with threat of bad result, e.g: you had better be on time, or we will leave without you.
6. Be supposed to, uses for expectation, e.g: Class is supposed to begin at 10.00 a.m.
7. be to, uses for strong expectation, e.g: You are to be here at 10.00 a.m.
8. must, uses for:
-strong necessity, e.g: I must go right now.
-prohibition, e.g: You must not take her book.
-95% certainty, e.g: Eka isn't in class. She must be sick.
9. have to, uses for:
-necessity, e.g: I have to go to market this morning.
-lack of necessity, e.g: I don't have to go to class today.