Hay gais, sebelumnya terima kasih sudah berkunjung di blog kami. Berikut adalah common contractions atau singkatan-singkatn yang biasa dipakai dalam Bahasa Inggris.
aren't = are not
can't = can not
could've = could have
couldn't = could not
didn't = did not
doesn't = does not
don't = do not
gonna = going to
gotta = got to, got a
hadn't = had not
hasn't = has not
haven't = have not
hasn't = has not
he'd = he had, he would
he'll = he will, he shall
he's = he is, he has
how'd = how did, how would
how'll = how will
how's = how has, how is
I'd = I had, I would
I'll = I shall, I will
I'm = I am
I've = I have
Isn't = is not
it'd = it would
it'll = it will, it shall
it = it has, it is
mightn't = might not
might've = might have
musn't = must not
must've = must have
needn't = need not
she'd = she had, she would
she'll = she shall, she will
she'a = she has, she is
should've = should have
shouldn't = should not
somebody's = somebody is
someone'd = someone had, someone would
someone'll = someone will, someone shall
someone's = someone has, someone is
something'd = something had
something'll = something shall, something will
something's = something is, something has
that'll = that will
that's = that is, that has
that'd = that would, that had
there'd = there would, there had